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Showing posts from January, 2016

POI Spreadsheet Manager - Part 3

Between the holidays and some deadline pressure, it's taken longer to get to this than I'd like. But at last, here it is. This is my CellStyleManager and CellStyles enum. public class CellStyleManager {     public static final int BORDERLOC_NONE = 0;     public static final int BORDERLOC_TOP = 1;     public static final int BORDERLOC_BOTTOM = 2;     public static final int BORDERLOC_LEFT = 4;     public static final int BORDERLOC_RIGHT = 8;     public static final int BORDERLOC_ALL = BORDERLOC_BOTTOM | BORDERLOC_TOP | BORDERLOC_LEFT | BORDERLOC_RIGHT;     public static final int BORDERLOC_SIDES = BORDERLOC_LEFT | BORDERLOC_RIGHT;     public static final int BORDERLOC_TB = BORDERLOC_TOP | BORDERLOC_BOTTOM;     private final Workbook wb;     private final Map<cellstyles cellstyle=""> styleMap;     private final FontManager fontManager;     public CellStyleManager(Workbook wb) {         this.wb = wb;          this.fontManager = new FontManager(wb);         this.sty